Friday, November 20, 2009


I just got finished watching a movie about the oil spill at prince William Sound, There was a lot of help full information in it. I learned of different cleaning methods to help the local wildlife and the environment. Also it told me how to create different ways to dispose of the oil throw natural and man involvement.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

paper prototypes are difficult

This paper prototype thing is more complicated than i originally thought. We have to make rough sketches of each of the scenes and then draw them, I think printing them out would be better. Plus its hard to pull away from making it on flash jst to make a couple drawings on paper.

Monday, November 16, 2009

paper prototype round 2

We are still working on our paper prototypes, and we will be working on them for a long time. We only have one slide done and haven't raised a finger to finish the rest. We have until mid december to finish and video tape it.

Monday, November 9, 2009

mini game

I've been side tracked so I didn't have time to upload my mini game project to the wiki. I finished it and uploaded it so now its on my profile page.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

STILL making game

Today Mr.Alder's class came up to tell us how to upload flash files to our wikis. Also we are still making the game and working on the paper prototype. I tried to change my profile picture but I couldn't get it to work.Other than that we haven't done much this week thats about it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

making paper prototype

Today we started our paper prototypes for our new games. So far all we got done was the first loading screen but I couldn't think of what the next screen would be so I just stopped there. Next time I'll probably make the rest or the screens and animation.