Thursday, December 17, 2009

new flash tools

Today we watched a webx, telling us about some new ways to make coding easier by labelling it. also we leared how to make a loading screen for our games.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dang IT

After I thought I had finished the paper prototype, I found a huge gap in the story of our game. It goes from the ships about to crash then the S.O.D.S. are already there catching the animals. So I still have four or more slides to finally finish this thing. But all that has to be done next time.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Finishing touches

We a finishing the final things for the paper prototype. We still need a few more pages for the help menu, instructions, credits, etc. today i looked on google earth to find the best place for our fake oil spill, we decided it needs to be between South America and Antarctica. Also we established a point system after getting so many points you will beat the game. Next time we will finish the paper prototype and hopefully video type it.