Monday, March 28, 2011

demos and stuff

We have begun putting the finishing touches on our game demo. Although i did want more done on it, we have enough to make a great demo for our game. The only thing left to do is add all the scenes together and make the buttons work right, it should only take two or three classes (hopefully) at most.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

here we go again

Last year a lot of my blogs were more like rants, well here's another. I've gotten my keyboard controll to work but my team mate can't, our codes are the same(other than the instance name) but it dose not work for him. Another thing is that some how the code has goten extreamly complicated from last year. last year the code was extreamly simple my it seems to have gotten more complexed.

Monday, March 14, 2011

what I learned.

I have learned a lot about my topic since I started making this game. The main thing I learned was the urgency of the need for alternative energy, in about forty years the worlds reserves of oil will be depleted. Other things I have learned is the amount of alternative energy needed to meet the worlds energy demand.