Thursday, April 28, 2011

Coding problems

No matter how easy you think something will be its always more complicated. The small amount of coding i need, i cant get of find. maybe someone can help, i need a way for a movie clip to appear if a button is pressed and also i need that movie clip to be drag able but once it is dropped in a certain place it can not be picked back up again. If you know any thing please post it in the comments section. Thanks.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Game time

The time has come at last, time to start making the final copy of our game. We still have a lot of coding that needs done, and some of  the scenes need to be edited a little. We have about six days or so, with a little hard work(and tons of luck) this deadline will be no problem.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

the most difficult concept of our game is more likely than not convincing people to switch to alternative energy. (i'm outa time finish post later)

Friday, April 15, 2011

just looking

Today all i really did was look around at some of the demos done at our school and a few others. a lot of people had some really good ideas for games and others had good graphics. i still think our game will do good but after glancing at the competition, it will be harder than i thought.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

now... THE GAME

All that's left to do is finish the game, it will be one coding problem after another I already know. However, i know we can handle any challenge thrown at us, we can overcome any obstacle, we can... um do other difficult things. We've made it this far there's not much left, lets do it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

kitten video

we recorded our game demo just now, literally only minutes ago. And i submitted it literally moments ago. The really real finished demo is on my team page go see if you want to. I'm sure everyone is tired of demos, so from now one demos will be refereed to as kittens. Go see our finished kitten on our team page.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

demo really done

Remember how I said that the demo was done, well I lied. Now the demo IS done, we both did halve of it and to day they were successfully fused together to create one big finished demo that we will submit soon.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

demo done

We have finally finished our game demos, i say demos because he did the informational part and i did the actual game scenes. all that is left to do is fuse them together and I have two days to do that. It looks pretty good this game is starting to look like a winner to me.

Friday, April 1, 2011

peace corps game

I recently played the peace corps game and found it to be very interesting. It is different from other flash games in that it is a lot more complicated but, not so much that it isn't fun. With a little time it could be pretty easy to solve.