Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hello other humans

My name is Ethan and I am coauthor and co creator of the supper oil disaster squad. My team all your base are belong to us have been working moderately on this game for a few months now. The way our game ties in with the citizenship community is it shows the power of what people can do if they work together as one person and try to make a difference. Our game shows the power of the human spirit in a way that was never been used before. We are honored to be in the citizenship community with all of you and wish you the best of luck on your individual products.


  1. Hi im alea. Your game sounds intresting can't wait to see your finish product. Best of luck to you.

  2. How does you game fit into the Citizenship area?

  3. Hey my name is Brandon, I cant wait to see the rest of your game.

  4. Hey I'm Amber. I think this sounds like a good idea. I like the whole working together thing.

  5. Hey I'm Cody. I think this sounds like a good idea.

  6. That sounds like a cool idea for a game.
